Application Material
Impressum & Contact


The following pages are containing detailed information about my CV, including work experience, education & training, personal skills & competences as well as a strength and weakness analysis. This information is a decision-making aid for human resource managers and other personnel responsible.

Please note that any information regarding the application material is password protected. In case you are interested to access this data please give a brief description of your position and motivation by using the contact form.

Who am I?

I'm from Darmstadt (Hesse, Germany), born and raised. After my civil service aiding severely disabled people, I studied chemical engineering in Darmstadt and made my PhD in Chemistry in Bochum (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). After a short postdoctoral research at DECHEMA in Frankfurt (Hesse, Germany) I started working for Grace in Worms (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). I continuously broadened my horizon by further education, starting during my PhD with various soft skill trainings and studying intellectual property rights, becoming a patent engineer. I finished my MSc (Management), which can be briefly described as a scientific version of a MBA, in March 2012.

More detailed information about me is available in the password protected application material section.

What am I looking for?

I am searching for a management position, allowing me to perceptibly influence the success of my employer, rather than beeing a (seemingly) minor factor. In the new position I am expectating varying challenges, a strong team spirit, career oppurtunities and performance based compensation. An interface role, coordinating and guiding different interest groups is perfectly matching my strong communication and (self) organization skills. I am pleased to work in a multinational environment, willing to relocate internationally and accept travelling up to 30%. I am not looking for a sales or key accountant manager position.